
Donations are vitally important to the work of the Church. Anyone who wishes to make a donation may now do so in one of the following ways:

You can set up regular donations using the attached Standing Order Mandate. Download the form and once completed, send page one to your bank. Don’t forget to tick the Gift Aid box, on page two, if you are a UK tax payer. Page two should then be sent to the treasurer. Both the postal address and email address are on the form.

You can make payments via BACS/Bank Transfer. Email us to obtain account details.

For donations through PayPal, you may now do this by clicking on the link below. It will take you to the church of Scotland website, where you can make a donation either to the national funds of the Church of Scotland or to an individual congregation:

All donations made to an individual congregation will be returned to that congregation, thus enabling members and adherents to continue to make their regular offering or to make a special donation to enable the Church’s work to continue at this difficult time.