Worship Service – Sunday 19 April 2020 – Easter 2

Online Worship from Kintore for use at home. Second Sunday of Easter.

Welcome to our online Sunday worship service from Kintore. Rather than have it all in a single video for you to watch, you are invited to participate in this service yourself. There are written prayers for you to read, say out loud or share with your family, there are hymns and prayers you can listen to or sing along to, and there is a brief Sunday reading and message from Neil that you can watch. These are all laid out below in an order of service for you to follow.

Call to Worship

Come, embrace the risen Christ.
Come, embrace the Prince of peace.
Come, embrace his pierced hands.
Come, meet your Lord and your God.

Opening Hymn: Alleluia, Alleluia

Click on this link to sing our opening hymn:
Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to heaven and voices raise

Prayers of Approach and Confession

Lord, your body was broken, and your blood was shed.
Thank you for the cross.
You did it so that we might live.
Thank you for the cross.
Thank you for all that you have done for us.
Thank you for the cross.
Your love has set us free.
Thank you for the resurrection.
You were raised to life and ran out of that grave.
Thank you for the resurrection.
Thank you that we have eternal life in you.
Thank you for your cross and resurrection.

Prince of peace, we are sorry
that we choose not to forgive but to hold grudges;
that we doubt you and do not trust;
that we choose to rely on our own resources and not on you;
that we believe only when we have proof.
Help us to forgive more readily, and to trust more willingly.


Song: What a Beautiful Name

Click on this link to sing the song:
What a Beautiful Name

For the Children

Is it OK to doubt God sometimes?
Find out what the Kids discover from a story about Jesus’ resurrection:
Jesus appears to Thomas

Reading and Message – Acts 2:14, 22-32

Hymn: Beauty for Brokenness

Click on this link to sing the hymn:
Beauty for Brokenness

Prayers of Intercession:

Heavenly Father, we pray for all the places in the world that need your peace:
places where wars continue to threaten the stability of the nations;
and the lack of peace has caused so much destruction;
places where people have to flee their homes, their families destroyed, lives lost.
Lord, bring your peace which passes all understanding.

Give wisdom to world leaders:
to presidents, prime ministers, politicians of all governments,
that they may strive for lasting peace and true justice,
not putting personal ambitions before the needs of their people.
Lord, bring your peace which passes all understanding.

We pray for those who need peace of mind:
those weighed down by the stresses and strains of everyday life,
or who suffer with anxiety, or are oppressed by worry and fear;
for those who find it hard to let go of things and simply trust.
Lord, bring your peace which passes all understanding.

Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever.


Closing Hymn: Look ye saints, the sight is glorious

Click this link to sing the hymn:
Look ye saints, the sight is glorious


May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
the Love of God the Father
and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with us and those whom we love
now and evermore.